Hydrogen Safety - TeacHy

Electrochemical kinetics

The Module is aimed to describe (i) the principal mechanisms and elementary steps involved in electrochemical systems and (ii) the relevant quantitative techniques to study them.

The module consists of the following lectures:

A: Equations of electrochemical kinetics

- Nernst law

- Electrochemical chain

- Writing electrochemical reaction

- Reaction rate and rate constant

- Current density

- Mass transport equation

B Stationary regime

- Redox E

- Modeling of the electrochemical behavior of metals

- Electrosorption

- Volmer-Herovsky

- Electrochemical insertion

C: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

D: Linear-sweep voltammetry

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The TeacHy project is part of the project portfolio of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking.

Project reference: 779730.