Hydrogen Safety - TeacHy

Welcome to the TeacHy2020 project's website

As the FCHT industry gradually emerges into the markets, the need for trained staff becomes more pressing. TeacHy2020 specifically addresses the supply of undergraduate and graduate education (BEng/BSc, MEng/MSc, PhD etc.) in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies (FCHT) across Europe.

TeacHy2020 will take a lead in building a repository of university grade educational material, and design and run an MSc course in FCHT, accessible to students from all parts of Europe. To achieve this, the project has assembled a core group of highly experienced institutions working with a network of associate partners (universities, vocational training bodies, industry, and networks). TeacHy2020 offers these partners access to its educational material and the use of the MSc course modules available on the TeacHy2020 site. Any university being able to offer 20% of the course content locally, can draw on the other 80% to be supplied by the project.

This will allow any institution to participate in this European initiative with a minimised local investment. TeacHy2020 will be offering solutions to accreditation and quality control of courses, and support student and industry staff mobility by giving access to placements. Schemes of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) will be integrated into the project activities. We expect a considerable leverage effect which will specifically enable countries with a notable lack of expertise, not only in Eastern Europe, to quickly be able to form a national body of experts.

TeacHy2020 will offer educational material for the general public (e.g. MOOC's), build a business model to continue operations post-project, and as such act as a single-stop shop and representative for all matters of European university and vocational training in FCHT. The project partnership covers the prevalent languages and educational systems in Europe. The associated network has over 20 partners, including two IPHE countries, and a strong link to IPHE activities in education.

Please download our TeacHy Flyer 2021

JU FCH TeacHy project 4th Gathering Event was held online meeting in Zoom on 20 December 2021

The 4th Gathering Event of the project TeacHy put together actors involved in the projects as well as all parties that could be potentially interested by using the material developed in TeacHy. The MSc opportunities in FC Hydrogen Technologies have been highlited and discussed.

Please download the video of event

TeacHy promo by Romanian Association for Hydrogen Energy, www.h2romania.ro

Please download Flyer

Please download Calendar

"European values in the regions of Romania", September 29, 2021

Summer School UPB & Groupe INSA

As a part of dissemination programme a presentation were given by Dr Ioan Iordache at Summer School UPB & Groupe INSA "The road from smart buildings to smart cities", 2nd Edition, 23-29 August 2021.

Summer School UPB & Groupe INSA

For more information please click here

In support of the training of future specialists in hydrogen economics: TeacHy - a successful collaboration model between ICSI Rm. Valcea and UPB

For more information please click here


Broad Context: Future industrial development of the World's Nations has to face the great challenges of our time, such as climate change, population growth, scarcity of primary resources, unquenchable demand for energy etc., by securing a sustainable handling of the resources of our planet. The main target is to secure the wellbeing and happiness of future generations. From this point of view the transition from fossil fuels to renewables is a key development step, but it also implies a disruptive transformation of the energy services system with political and economic implications; and it will be a long and difficult process.

Objective of the course: The main objective is to illustrate the advances in the technologies and processes for generating renewable electricity (from solar and wind energy, biomass etc.), the options to manage the power flow and store electricity, and the conversion into storable chemicals, such as hydrogen and other synthetic fuels. The interconversion between electricity and hydrogen is in fact a key element in distributing renewable energies wherever needed with the highest flexibility and security for the energy system.

Please download the course Flyer

Interview of Dr Ioan Iordache at Natural Gas Museum in Romania, where he talks about TeacHy project.

For translation follow the steps below:

1. Click on subtitles (first icon ( a square) in your right, the screen with interview), 2. Second click on settings icon (gearwheel), an small window will be open, 3. Third click in the window on subtitles, there will appear a new window, 4. Last click on automatic translation and select your language from the list.

You will be able to find on this website the deliverables of the TechHy Project, links to relevant resources and RCS, etc.

Would you have any question on the TechHy Project or this website, don't hesitate to contact us.

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Disclaimer and Acknowledgment:

The TeacHy project is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Union's H2020 programme through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 779730. Any opinions expressed on these web pages are solely those of the authors and neither of the FCH 2 JU, nor the European Commission or its representatives.

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The TeacHy project is part of the project portfolio of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking.

Project reference: 779730.